Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Has it really been that long?

Since my last post here's what I've been up to: I graduated (yay!!!!!) I know that tons of people graduate every year but I worked my butt off to do it and I'm going to celebrate that. Honestly nothing could have prepared me for how weird it would feel sitting there with my class knowing that high school was over. I am slightly entertained though that my friends who said we would all stay in touch and be the people that were still friends at high school reunions have pretty much ignored me. I've talked to ONE of my close friends. The girl who said she was my best friend hasn't spoken to me since graduation. And no I haven't even tried talking to her, at this point I'm of the opinion that she can try for once. Also I think some people are less annoying in person, there are a couple of people I've texted a bit and some of them seem really snobby in texts or on facebook, it's weird. I went on a date....*Gasp*.....sorta....maybe....I think. Does it count if your not sure that the guy realized it was a date? and also if your with your sister? Trisha wanted to meet this guy (let's call him Kyle) because I've told her about him and she thought he sounded awesome. and I was all for her meeting Kyle because she started to think that she might like her ex again and I can't stand him. So anyways she wanted to go out with him but she didn't want to do it alone and being her she decided that we would double her with him and me with the guy I've liked for about a year now and who I swear is going to drive me insane. You have no idea how persistent my sister can be and eventually I gave in and texted Kyle asking him out for her (figuring if he said he couldn't I'd be off the hook) and by the way this was extremely awkward because I used to like Kyle...and he knows that I used to like him...but he's a sweetheart and said he'd go out with my sister, fast forward to a week later and Trisha has been bugging me to ask my guy (what name to use for him....let's go with Taylor) and finally she steals my phone and types the text and sends it. And he replies (if you have any idea how often he doesn't reply you'd be shocked too) and he asks when we would do it and then before we could reply he goes "I can't do it this weekend obviously" (it was a Saturday night and he had just gotten his wisdom teeth out) and then another one "how about next Saturday?" we ended up doing it the weekend between Christmas and New Years (yes this was just a couple of weeks ago, I graduated first) Trisha and I were picking the guys up and paying (partially because they didn't know where we were going and partially because that's what my mom told me you do when the girl asks. So first of all we misjudged the time it would take to get from Trisha's to Kyle's and left way to early and sat in the Target parking lot playing cards (because yes I carry a deck of cards in my purse) then we went and picked up Kyle and the three of us joked on the way to Taylor's (because yes Kyle knows I like Taylor) and then I went up the door and got him and...oh my gosh my face is going red just thinking about it, that's how embarrassed I was. We walk back to the truck and he get's in first and then he held out his hand to help me in but I was already halfway in and I wasn't paying attention. so we all talk and stuff as we're heading to the bowling alley (cause we were going bowling) and we get there and we start and it was super fun and it wasn't really awkward but I felt awkward if that makes sense. and all three of them had fun teasing me because yeah I'm easy to tease. and there were a bunch of different things I could tell you but I'm only going to tell you about two of them. First: it was some dude's birthday so they wished him a happy birthday over the speakers and then Taylor was threatening to go tell them it was my birthday (it wasn't, just so we're clear it wasn't my birthday) but I kinda just blushed and rolled my eyes because my older brothers threaten to do that all the time and so I went up and bowled and I came back to the table and all of a sudden I hear "We'd also like to wish a Happy Birthday to Erica." He had actually told them! and then the next time he went to bowl he looks at me and goes "this is for you birthday girl" what a weirdo right? Second: I was bowling and after my turn Taylor was standing there with his arms out and it was weird...eventually I realized he was waiting for me to hug him. yep oh and Trisha and Kyle had a lot of fun teasing me saying that he was showing off and crap like that. So eventually they kicked us out of the bowling alley and we took the boys home and I walked Taylor to his door and said bye and Trisha and Kyle both got mad at me for not hugging him goodnight. Yep That is about the extent of my boy experience and now Taylor is acting all weird. I don't get boys! Yep so those are the two main things that have happened since I last posted

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