Sunday, January 10, 2010


I haven't posted in a while so I am going to. The other day I got on and saw that Ally Carter had posted the cover of the new gallagher girl book It's called only the good spy young. I freaked it was so awesome and it showed more of the model's face so I'm kinda wondering if she's going to show more and more and then on the last one have it show the whole face that would be cool. ummm what else oh liz's birthday is tomorrow and I have her gift already plus more that I'm not going to post because she reads this. I got on to triond which is where I have my first little part of one of my stories published and its says I have 0 veiws and 0 likes that is seriously sad. I babysat my nephews on Friday. Oh the other day I cried in Drama the other day, and figured out why my scene is kinda lame: I'm the only one taking it seriously. My favorite teacher called me one of her favorite people so that was nice. I had the weirdest dream last night it was like random meshing of NCIS and my life so I have my poem for the day done. "If I could turn back time, I'll tell you what I'd do. I wouldn't go and right a wrong or say yes where I've said no. I would simply go and see again the dreams that I've forgot. See things happen for a reason and meddling in them is wrong, but as everybody knows dreams are the wishes of your heart, the window to your soul" Oh by the way I'm doing this thing where I write a poem a day for a month and if it goes well I'll continue it. I need to go something smells good in the kitchen. Oh before I go what is with cartoons like Disney some of them have pants others don't and like in garfeild why is it that the cats can talk but Odie can't?