Monday, June 1, 2009

what we've been doing

This is what my family's doing

Mom is working both at her job and to get the house finished

texas girl is busy being the maneger at work

CJ, Alli, Boo Boo, and bam bam are excited about there new Ford

Ham and Britt are looking for a new house that takes dogs

Andy and Whit are getting more and more animals in their zoo

Charbear is cleaning and texting nonstop again oh and she has a date

I am trying to not be too nervous about my summer plans and making myself write those summeries Amanda wants plus I am completely excited for my family reunion and Lorinda's visit

Drock is still being a hyper child his ankle healed and he wants to do all kinds of stuff this summer

so yeah that is what we are all up too I am going to try and post what we're doing at least once a month we'll see how that works:)