Monday, March 21, 2011

Are things looking up?

So I've finally started on the infamous college search. I'm looking for a college in Colorado or Wyoming primarily but I'm not ruling out Nevada, Texas, and Washington (though my mom thinks I should)it is nerve wracking and I am really nervous. Also I am trying for a Provo FFA officer spot in the 2011-2012 year. I am so nervous about it that sometimes I can't breathe. I'm a YCL for girls camp and my mom has a boyfriend. He is a great guy and he really cares about my mom. I also would like to compete in the CDEs (Career Development Events) this year (for FFA) in Ag communications but I need a team of five people and so far I, so I need four people to commit to doing this with me. We tried having a birthday party for Mr. Day today and he took so long getting back from lunch that his class was banging on the door (we were told not to let anybody in and the door was locked.) and one girl just walked in (while we were letting a member in) and then got into a pissing contest with some of our girls. I emailed LaShelle today after not talking for weeks and I asked if she wanted to do a photoshoot with me for my senior pics. Obviously she hasn't replied. I went shooting for my dad's birthday this weekend and got to shoot a 22 with a lock open mechanism. Then I asked my brothers for a gun for my birthday (they told me no) I know that I could have a very long and hard road ahead of me but I am so willing to try. I just want to be happy and if it means working my but off then I will.